Event box

"Too descriptive, not enough critical analysis" An introduction to critical writing


The workshop aims to promote an understanding of what constitutes critical writing and to look at strategies that can be used to maximise critical content within an assignment.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session:

  • LO1: students will be able to identify and distinguish between descriptive and critical content
  • LO2: students will be able to apply linguistic and functional strategies for producing critical content in their own writing
  • LO3: students will be able to improve the balance between descriptive and critical content in their written assignments


Event Presenter

The presenter for this session is Mark Illman.

Event Organiser

The event organiser is Library & Learning Services (LW).

Wednesday 17 January 2018
11:00am - 12:00pm
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
University of Suffolk Ipswich
Registration has closed.

University of Suffolk